Nicotine Nirvana located In Esquimalt, BC has been in business for six years and has many choices such as Naked, Berry Drop, Suave, Express, Riot Salts, Punx, Black Mamba and Vango. Many forms of vaporizers such as AVP by Aspire, The Caliburns by Uwell, Smok Products, and Voopoo Drag. We are open 7 days a week, check the hours on Google.
Nord 5 Black
Nord 5 Black
Nord 5 Blue
Nord 5 Blue
Xros Fade Blue Teal
Xros Faded Blue to Teal
Xros Dark Blue Fade
Xros Dark Blue Fade
Xros Blue Purple
Xros Blue Purple
Xros Faded Orange Red
Xros Faded Orange to Red
Xros Fade Green Blue
Xros Fade Green Blue
Xros Orange
Xros Orange
Xros Red
Xros Red
Xros Silver
Xros Silver
Drag X Classic
Drag X Classic
Drag X Retro
Drag X Retro
Black Magic Incense Sticks
Black Magic Incense Sticks
Funk Incense Sticks
Funk Incense Sticks
Tropical Passion Incense Sticks
Tropical Passion Incense Sticks
Raspberry Incense Sticks
Raspberry Incense Sticks
Grapes gone wild Incense Sticks
Grapes gone wild incense sticks
Rasta Silicone Pipe
Rasta Silicone Pipe with metal bowl
Black Eye Silicone Pipe
Black Eye Silicone pipe with glass bowl
Green Eyeball Pipe
Green Eyeball Pipe with glass bowl
Blue Grey Sherlock Pipe
Blue Grey Sherlock Pipe with glass bowl
Rasta Sherlock Pipe
Rasta Sherlock with glass bowl
Green Pink Sherlock Pipe
Pink Green Sherlock pipe with glass bowl