Nicotine Nirvana located In Esquimalt, BC has been in business for six years and has many choices such as Naked, Berry Drop, Suave, Express, Riot Salts, Punx, Black Mamba and Vango. Many forms of vaporizers such as AVP by Aspire, The Caliburns by Uwell, Smok Products, and Voopoo Drag. We are open 7 days a week, check the hours on Google.
Just Grape
Grape Ice
Grape Ice
Grapefruit Watermelon
Grapefruit Watermelon with mint exhale
Grapes gone wild Incense Sticks
Grapes gone wild incense sticks
Green Apple
Green Apple
Green Eyeball Pipe
Green Eyeball Pipe with glass bowl
Green Pink Sherlock Pipe
Pink Green Sherlock pipe with glass bowl
Guava Passionfruit Pineapple
Another tropical blend with Pineapple
Apple Cranberry
Grapefruit Blood Orange Lemon Lime Guava
Hawaiian Coolade
Tropical flavours with a mint polish
Hawaiian Pog - no mint
Pineapple and Citrus blend
Hawaiian Pog Ice
Pineapple and Citrus with a mint
Hedonism Card Game
Hedonism Card Game
Hemp Seed Massage Lotion 2oz/60ml in Naked in the Woods
Hemp Seed Massage Lotion 2oz/60ml in Naked in the Woods
Hemp Seed Massage Oil - Non scented
Hemp Seed Massage Oil - Non scented
Hemp Seed Massage Oil 2oz/60ml in Skinny Dip
Hemp Seed Massage Oil 2oz/60ml in Skinny Dip
Hempseed Edible Massage Oil Set
Hempseed Edible Massage Oil Set
Hogtie with Cuffs in Pink
Hogtie with Cuffs in Pink
Honeydew Menthol
Honeydew Menthol
Honeydew Watermelon
Honeydew Watermelon with mint exhale
Minty mint
Intense 10 Function C-Ring & Bullet Vibe in Black
Intense 10 Function C-Ring & Bullet Vibe in Black